Any patient suffering from obesity understands the struggle of trying to lose weight. Between busy schedules and unhealthy food options everywhere, meeting weight loss goals without assistance can be virtually impossible. The good news is that HCG Diet SoCal has an effective weight loss option, offering safe and significant results quickly: the HCG Diet in El Monte.
Our diet is based on injections of the HCG hormone and a low calorie diet. We will administer a medical questionnaire, as well as any recommended lab work to determine if a person is eligible for the HCG diet. Due to the significant weight loss that is seen of up to one pound per day, patients must be carefully evaluated to ensure that no underlying issues could cause problems or health concerns with the diet.
Once approved, we will send an information packet to candidates, giving them the details of their customized HCG diet plan. This will outline the injections that are given, as well as the amount of calories that should be consumed by a patient each day, along with other guidelines for diet success.
HCG Diet SoCal offers this diet plan to any person that is at least 20 pounds overweight and ready to see significant weight loss results. The HCG Diet plan; however, is not for everyone, which is why anyone on it needs to follow our instructions carefully to ensure that weight is lost safely. For anyone seeking a safe, quick way to lose weight, this may be the ideal solution and contacting HCG Diet SoCal right away is key.
For more information on HCG Diet in El Monte, contact HCG Diet SoCal at (949)444-4884 for a consultation today.