HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin and this is a pro-hormone found in the human body that assists with the production of more hormones. It is found in females in high levels during pregnancy to kickstart the body into gear to burn fat stores for energy. It can be used as an effective diet aid and you have the ability to enjoy HCG injections in Hayward as part of an HCG diet plan.
HCG Diet SoCal sees countless patients for the HCG diet plan, which consists of a combination of HCG injections and a low-calorie diet. Basically speaking, the authentic HCG is introduced to help with burning your current fat stores and the strict diet gives your body the right balance of nutrition so that you can safely lose weight.
While on the HCG diet, you are not going to feel hungry or have any of the pesky cravings that come from traditional diets and dietary supplements. This is safe, effective, and natural weight loss that is going to give you the results that you have been hoping for. Even if you have been through the ringer when it comes to traditional diets and come out on the other side with little results to show for it, this diet is the answer that you have been looking for.
You will also not have all of the potential side effects that come from taking part in many of the fad diets that are out there today. There is no danger of losing muscle mass and you will have more energy to take on each day. To make it even better, patients are able to maintain their weight easier because they see an increase in their metabolism function after taking part in the HCG diet plan.
When you want authentic HCG injections in Hayward, it is important that you work with a professional. Call HCG Diet SoCal today at (866) 296-2305 for a consultation appointment.