There are many misconceptions about the HCG diet and how it can help you lose weight. You may have questions about the effectiveness and whether or not it is safe – both of which are valid concerns. You need to know first and foremost that the only way to get the facts and enjoy HCG injections to lose weight in Mission Viejo safely is to work with a trained professional.
These are some of the more common questions Dr. Dubroff hears from new HCG patients:
What About Energy Levels?
The great thing about the HCG diet protocol is that you will see increased energy. Rather than feeling lethargic or irritable like most diet plans cause, you will have the ability to enjoy your regular daily activities without constantly yawning or feeling as though your day is dragging.
Will I Crash Or Get Headaches?
No! With the HCG diet, as long as you remain hydrated and take in the suggested foods for the right amount of nutrition, you will not have that horrid diet crash or the headaches many people tend to experience with regular dieting methods.
How Hungry Will I Feel?
Even though the strict diet of only 500 calories seems extremely minimal, you are giving your body all of the fuel and building blocks it needs to burn off the stored fats within your body. This means no hunger pangs or annoying cravings.
Won’t I Gain The Weight Back?
HCG hormone treatment works for weight loss because it kicks your metabolism into high gear. The body flips a switch to start burning off your stored fats. As long as you follow along with the detailed food plan and the injections as suggested, you will have the ability to maintain your weight loss moving forward.
It is best to see a professional for HCG injections to lose weight in Mission Viejo. Call Dr. Dubroff at HCG Diet SoCal at (866) 296-2305 for a consultation.