Human chorionic gonadotrophin. It’s a big term for a small molecule that offers exciting weight loss potential. A hormone that occurs naturally in pregnant human females, hCG taken daily leads to incredibly quick weight loss. If you want to shed sizes in a hurry, human chorionic gonadotrophin hCG treatment in San Diego may be just right for you.
If you’re the type of person who likes to do their research prior to trying anything new, there is plenty of good information about the discovery of hCG as a weight loss aid. Before starting this remarkable weight loss program, it is imperative that you understand that it’s not exactly magic. You will be required to adhere to a very strict eating plan for the duration of your hCG treatment. When you meet with Dr. Dubroff at HCG Diet SoCal, he will explain in detail how and why the program works. You will eat very little as you’re losing pounds and inches with the hCG diet. But you know what? You won’t feel hungry or miserable at all. HCG releases stored body fat in a way that keeps hunger pangs at bay. Yes, it’s a little hard to believe now, but if you consult with Dr. Dubroff and start treatment, you will surely be convinced.
Life in San Diego is good. It’s even better when you feel good about the way you look. HCG weight loss is appropriate for adults of both genders. In some cases, the plan may be right for teenagers who need to lose pounds and inches, too. To know more about hCG treatment in San Diego, please contact HCG Diet SoCal at your earliest convenience. Dial (866) 296-2305 to schedule a good time to come in and visit with the doctor and his friendly medical team.