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Long-Term Weight Loss is Possible With the HCG Diet!

Long-Term Weight Loss is Possible With the HCG Diet!

The ability to enjoy long-term weight loss and maintain it is probably one of the best benefits of following the HCG diet protocol. Many people believe the maintenance starts when you are in phase 3 or 4. However, it starts from the moment you decide to take the leap. HCG weight loss near Temecula is attainable, and you can enjoy it long-term when you change your food habits and learn healthier living skills.

After HCG – Lifelong Weight Loss Maintenance

Are you worried about keeping the weight off after completing your HCG protocol? It would be best if you remembered all the maintenance lessons you took in and learned while participating in the protocol.

  1. Know the difference between all the healthy and unhealthy food options available. The foods that are allowed during HCG dieting are healthy.
  2. Portion sizing is critical. Never eat portions larger than what you can fit in your hand.
  3. Keep your calories to 500 for a single meal.
  4. Take the time to read all ingredients for the foods you eat.
  5. Avoid sugars and unhealthy fats.
  6. Aim to exercise for at least 20 minutes each day.
  7. Eat before you feel hungry, and try eating at home as much as possible.
  8. Listen to your body, as it will tell you when you are hungry, when you need to sleep, etc.
  9. Balance is key, so if you eat something that doesn’t seem like a good idea, do something so you can counteract that feeling.

If you have not participated in the HCG protocol yet but are curious, Dr. Dubroff is here to help with all your questions and concerns. This is a new way of thinking about food and fueling your body with exactly what it needs.

You can achieve long-term HCG weight loss. If you want to schedule an appointment near Temecula, call Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305.

HCG Injections Near El Cajon Could Be The Weight Loss Boost You Need

HCG Injections Near El Cajon Could Be The Weight Loss Boost You Need

Many people want a way to lose weight fast without working at it. Feeling as though HCG weight loss injections are a miracle weight loss option will set you up for failure. For the diet plan to begin working, you need authentic HCG for injecting, support from a licensed medical professional, and a strict diet must be followed. With all that considered, El Cajon area dieters are now getting results with injection therapy through Holistic Solutions.

HCG is a hormone naturally found within the female body throughout pregnancy. Injection therapy using HCG is a natural option for weight loss and then keeping it off – in women AND men. Yes, men can also participate in HCG therapy without side effects and get incredible results. When you choose injections with a trusted medical professional, you can also use HCG for chronic pain and a host of other conditions. Administered correctly, HCG is a fantastic option if you want to lose weight safely and quickly.

There are countless reasons to try HCG injections, but these are just a few of the advantages:

  1. They are safe – HCG is actually nothing new; it has just grown more popular over the last decade. There are many options available on the market, but you should only seek pharmaceutical-grade, physician-supervised injection therapy.
  2. They are a natural appetite suppressant – Patients that receive authentic HCG and follow the food plan find they often have a small appetite. Most are able to live comfortably with the low-calorie plan.
  3. They create hormone balance – Weight gain and hormone deficiency often go hand in hand. Because HCG is a prohormone, it often helps balance hormones within the body.

Authentic, safe HCG weight loss injections are available for El Cajon residents. Call Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305 for information.

Why HCG Therapy Near Rialto Could Be The Best Therapy To Lose Weight

Why HCG Therapy Near Rialto Could Be The Best Therapy To Lose Weight

The last thing anyone wants is to fall into a pattern of more fad dieting and feeling hungry all the time. If you choose HCG therapy near Rialto, you can change how you lose weight. But how? Dr. Dubroff can help you start your weight loss and wellness path. It all begins with learning more about this natural treatment and its benefits!

There is so much buzz online and in print surrounding the HCG diet because it works. This is a safe, natural, and effective way to help kickstart your body to start losing the stubborn weight that has been so difficult. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone present in the body of both males and females. However, it is strongest in females during pregnancy when the body makes HCG in high quantities.

This hormone is entirely safe for injection therapy, along with a strict diet that is extremely low in calories. These two things work hand-in-hand so that the body will start to burn off excess fat stores. If you have trouble losing weight around your midsection, buttocks, thighs, and upper arms, then the HCG diet protocol may be precisely what you need to lose weight and keep it off.

With HCG therapy under the supervision of a trained naturopath like Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions, you will have access to authentic hormone injections. You will also have the guidance and support to set yourself up for success throughout your weight loss journey. You can lose weight and still get all the nutrition you need – without feeling hungry or sluggish.

Do you want to start your weight loss journey with HCG therapy near Rialto? Call Holistic Solutions today at (866) 296-2305 for a consultation.

Are There Advantages To Seeing An HCG Weight Loss Doctor Near Escondido?

Are There Advantages To Seeing An HCG Weight Loss Doctor Near Escondido?

In case you have not heard it before, STOP beating yourself up because one diet plan worked for someone you know but did not work for you. No two people are alike, so you need to have a customized diet and weight loss plan. However, even with careful guidance from a doctor, dietician, or even a personal trainer, the chances are good that you will gain weight again. It would be best to decide whether seeing an HCG weight loss doctor near Escondido suits you. These are some things that you need to be able to think about before taking the next step:

  • Have you been trying to lose weight for a long time and working hard, yet you are ready to think about giving up because you are not quite seeing all of your hard work paying off?
  • Do you want to take control of your weight problem finally, but you want to be able to see and tell the results so that you can stay fully motivated?
  • Have you always tried to exercise and eat well, but you still wonder why you cannot lose weight and keep it off?
  • Has there been a time when you hit a plateau with all of your weight loss efforts, and you cannot seem to get to the next level?

If any of these questions relate to what you have been going through, you could be an excellent candidate for the HCG weight loss program. You want to know that you are getting authentic HCG for injection therapy, and you have to have guidance from a professional. Holistic Solutions has the answers you are looking for to lose weight and be your best self. Dr. Joseph Dubroff has been able to help many patients just like you to lose weight and then also keep it off.

When you want to know everything about the benefits of working with an HCG weight loss doctor near Escondido, you can look for Holistic Solutions’ help. Call (866) 296-2305 today!

Make A Lifestyle Change With An Appointment At A Mission Viejo HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Make A Lifestyle Change With An Appointment At A Mission Viejo HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Nothing is worse than feeling defeated by trying different weight loss methods and failing. The important thing to remember is that lifestyle changes are necessary to enjoy a successful weight loss journey. For many people, this may include natural supplementation like HCG. To find out more, all you have to do is set up a consultation appointment at an HCG weight loss clinic in Mission Viejo – Holistic Solutions.

HCG and the Body

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a type of glycoprotein hormone produced in the female body during pregnancy. It can be safely used for many other health and wellness treatments, including weight loss. When prescribed under a medical practitioner’s supervision and used with a calorie-restricted diet, HCG is an excellent way to start shedding those stubborn pounds.

Weight Loss with HCG Injections

Many products on the market, like pills or drops, claim to contain HCG. However, the only way to get safe, authentic HCG is by prescription from a licensed practitioner. At Holistic Solutions, Dr. Dubroff is available to counsel you throughout your weight loss journey, providing authentic HCG for self-injection.

HCG has a long history in the world of weight loss, as researchers found it could be effective in men and non-pregnant women. Once HCG levels increase in the human body, and there is no fetus to nurture, the body switches into a fat-burning mode to use up stored calories. Of course, you also have to be on a restrictive-calorie diet for the protocol to work as it should.

Are you worried about hunger? Don’t. On the HCG protocol, the body gets all the nutrition from the detailed food plan while using up the stored fats as you lose weight. There is no crash diet yo-yo effect, and most people on the diet protocol say they never feel hungry or have issues with random food cravings.

HCG can:

  • Help your body to release stored toxins
  • Increase your metabolism
  • Allows the body to burn abnormal fats while enjoying a low-calorie diet

Begin your journey today. Call (866) 296-2305 to set up an appointment at Holistic Solutions, a trusted HCG weight loss clinic in Mission Viejo.

Unlocking Weight Loss Benefits With Authentic HCG Injections

Unlocking Weight Loss Benefits With Authentic HCG InjectionsWhile the HCG diet has been around for a long time and is extremely popular, many are still unaware of all the benefits. If you are curious about how to enjoy weight loss with authentic HCG injections near Brea, Holistic Solutions has your answer!

HCG weight loss is a breakthrough project that has helped many people achieve their weight loss goals. With the help of all-natural, authentic Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), they have the power to blast away fat cells. The injections get used in conjunction with a calorie-restricted diet that is both safe and beneficial for the body. Additionally, you never have to worry about losing lean muscle mass as you might with other diet plans. The body takes energy from fat stores, resulting in quality weight loss.

Other Benefits of HCG Weight Loss Injections

  • Higher metabolism – Many people have seen a better metabolism after entering an HCG diet program. Your growth hormone levels work to boost metabolism, thus burning more calories than you have before – this equals weight loss.
  • More testosterone in men – Yes, men can participate in an HCG weight loss program, and many see excellent results. Men seeing a natural regression in testosterone find they sleep better, have more energy, and enjoy an increased sex drive after having HCG injections.
  • No hunger cravings – One of the worst things about traditional dieting is always feeling deprived or starving for the foods you crave. With HCG, you feel satiated even though you are on a low-calorie diet. The hormone is a natural appetite suppressant, keeping you from always feeling hungry.
  • Safe – When you get authentic HCG injections from a trusted medical practitioner, you can feel confident you are getting nothing but the best. Dr. Dubroff only carries quality HCG injections, and you have the added bonus of a personal coach as you go through each phase in case you have any questions.

Are you hoping to learn more about the benefits of HCG weight loss injections near Brea? Contact Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions by dialing (866) 296-2305.

Don’t Miss Your Chance For Effective HCG Weight Loss Near Concord

Don't Miss Your Chance For Effective HCG Weight Loss Near Concord

Losing weight can be a long, tough battle for some people. Some people may lose weight quickly, but they will have a difficult time maintaining it. For both men and women who want safe, effective weight loss, an excellent option to consider is HCG weight loss near Concord. Our HCG clinics in Orange & San Diego county offer doctor supervised HCG weight loss programs with proven success!

If you have heard of HCG, you may have also noticed that all sorts of products are available on the market that claims to be genuine HCG. However, you need to know that working with a licensed health professional is the only way you can guarantee you are getting authentic HCG. Looking elsewhere for HCG could result in a subpar product with little or no results and various side effects.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or HCG, works by kickstarting the body’s metabolism to burn off the fat stored in the body. If you are someone who has been trying to get rid of stubborn pounds for some time, this injection protocol might be precisely what you need to get results finally.

When you contact a professional naturopath like Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions, you will have the authentic HCG you need, along with all the guidance and support to achieve success. When used in conjunction with a stringent, low-calorie diet plan, you could be on your way to finally losing that weight and looking and feeling your best. This is safe, effective weight loss without the crash diets, feeling as though you are depriving yourself, or taking products that could have unknown side effects.

Talk with Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions today about HCG weight loss near Concord. Call (866) 296-2305 for an appointment for a consultation so that you can learn more about this treatment option and whether or not you are a good candidate for this weight-loss option.

Can HCG Injections Really Help Boost Weight Loss?

Can HCG Injections Really Help Boost Weight Loss?

Our naturopathic clinic specializes in weight loss, and for many of our patients, their holistic medicine journey starts with the goal of losing some of that stubborn weight they’ve been carrying around. However, weight loss is not always easy for everyone, so having options for tackling those pounds is essential. You may be able to benefit from using authentic HCG injections to lose weight near Garden Grove with the help of Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions.

Have you been trying several methods to lose weight?
Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
Has it felt like your weight loss journey is at a standstill?
Is it time to find something to boost metabolism?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you could be an excellent candidate for HCG injections with Holistic Solutions.

Why HCG?

HCG is a hormone present in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The levels of HCG in the blood get used to confirm pregnancy. HCG’s primary function is to convert the fat from a mother’s body to valuable calories to feed the growing fetus.

When used in a non-pregnant person, the metabolic situation is recreated. Put into action with a low-calorie diet, HCG injections can help the patient begin dropping weight safely and effectively.

Benefits Of HCG Weight Loss

When you go through dramatic weight loss, there is always the risk of significant muscle loss. However, HCG injection treatments bolter pure fat loss, and it helps to shrink inches around the body. Muscles get retained, which helps to speed your metabolism; this allows you to remain lean while maintaining weight loss.

Many patients love HCG injections because it is a short-term program that gives them lasting results. Most people who finish the HCG protocol can easily keep the weight off once they lose it.

You could get authentic HCG injections to lose weight near Garden Grove. Call our holistic medicine clinic at (866) 296-2305 for details or a consultation.

Enjoying The Holidays And Crushing Your HCG Diet Goals

Enjoying The Holidays And Crushing Your HCG Diet Goals

When participating in the HCG diet protocol, you want to do everything possible to ensure your success. At Holistic Solutions, our HCG diet protocol offers patients a way to safely and effectively enjoy HCG therapy near Santa Mateo. But what are you supposed to do during the holidays when there are merriment and food all around you?

The good news is that you never starve yourself when participating in the HCG diet plan. To make it even better, you can eat lots of foods while on the injection therapy, and you never feel as though you are hungry or craving all sorts of mindless calories. With that being said, planning and food preparation are the best ways to tackle the holiday season head-on while on the HCG diet journey.

Make Smart Swaps

Sweets and libations are usually the most challenging areas to overcome during the holidays. You will find treats and beverages at all sorts of holiday festivities and gatherings, but you need to have alternatives in mind so that you do not give in to the temptation. For example, sip on sparkling mineral water or hot teas with lemon whenever you are at a holiday party.

Plan Ahead

You can pack your food in small snack-size containers to have something to nibble on. The foods that you bring with you will depend on the phase of the diet that you are in, so be sure that you are careful with your ingredient selection. While working with Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions to conquer your weight loss goals, you will have all the guidance and support you need to get through the holidays while staying on course with your HCG diet.

You can survive the holidays while being successful with your HCG weight loss near Santa Mateo. Call Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305 for information on this diet option and our naturopathic doctor will provide a thorough consultaiton to see if the weight loss program is right for you. .

What You Can Expect At An HCG Weight Loss Clinic Near Fairfield

What You Can Expect At An HCG Weight Loss Clinic Near Fairfield

While HCG is somewhat of a do-it-yourself protocol, you still need to ensure you are getting authentic HCG injections under the guidance of a health professional. This is why you must have a trusted HCG weight loss clinic you can visit near Fairfield to get the support and tools you need to be successful. Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions is here to help you with your weight loss and wellness journey.

Starting Your Journey

You can expect several things when you sign up to take control of your weight and wellness with HCG, including:

  • Consultations with an experienced naturopathic practitioner
    It would be best to use medically supervised HCG injections to have safe, effective results. Visiting an HCG clinic means your health gets monitored, and all progress is tracked and optimized. Not only is Dr. Dubroff licensed, but he also has years of experience helping patients with lifestyle adjustments and weight loss.
  • Guidance and support throughout the process
    During your initial consultation, you get all the guidelines on the best foods to eat and what to avoid. You will also learn about how and when you should be eating. There is also ongoing support should you have questions, as you may feel overwhelmed when trying to restructure your eating habits.
  • Results you can count on
    Finally, you will see the results you have been longing for. HCG injection therapy is a natural, safe and effective weight loss method as long as you go through the proper channels. Holistic Solutions offers authentic HCG and all the support you need to transition into this new lifestyle to get results. Seeing your body transform and feeling your best will be just a couple of benefits of visiting the clinic.

Call Dr. Dubroff at Holistic Solutions at (866) 296-2305 – you have the power to lose weight by visiting an HCG weight loss clinic near Fairfield.